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No Classes: February 13th to 20th

No Classes: February 13th to 20th

A reminder that Third Academy students are on a break for the entire week of February 13-17 and on February 20, 2023. This is to allow teachers to participate in professional development activities as well as to for all members of our community to enjoy Family Day....
Apply Now for Alberta Affordability Payments

Apply Now for Alberta Affordability Payments

Alberta families with household incomes less than $180,000 per year are eligible for payments of $100 per dependent child for a six month period. Most recipients will receive their first payment by direct deposit at the end of January, 2023. Some families will receive...
Monday 9 January 2023: Back to Class!

Monday 9 January 2023: Back to Class!

We hope all Third Academy families had an exciting holiday break and we look forward to seeing all our students back in class on Monday, 9 January 2023. Just a reminder that this is a short school week for students as all Third Academy staff will be participating in...
Please Donate!

Please Donate!

This Holiday Season please consider making a generous charitable donation to Third Schools (Third Academy International Ltd.) to help us provide even better support for the students of Third Academy, LYNX, and ursa through 2023 and the years to come. Make your...
Fun at Run Santa Run! 2022

Fun at Run Santa Run! 2022

Many thanks to the 100 or so participants and volunteers that made Run Santa Run! 2022 a success. While our very own Scott Finney once again came in first on the 10 km run, everyone was a winner in this event! We were delighted to see so many Third Academy, LYNX, and...
Last Day to Register for Run Santa Run! 2022

Last Day to Register for Run Santa Run! 2022

Online Registrations close for Run Santa Run! 2022 tonight Friday, 16 December 2022, at midnight. For more information and to register, visit https://runsantarun.ca. But if you don’t get a chance to register, we’d be delighted to see you at the event on...