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Faculty and Staff

Taryn Boule
Taryn Boule
Instructional Assistant
Taryn joined the Third Academy team as an Instructional Assistant in September 2022. Her background is in Administration and Bookkeeping; however, for the past two years she has worked as an Educational Assistant with the Calgary Catholic School District. Through her work as an Educational Assistant, Taryn discovered a passion and love for working with students. It was this discovery that encouraged her to explore opportunities to diversify and improve her skill set to allow her to help students have a positive educational experience.

Before returning to the work force two years ago, Taryn had the great pleasure of being a stay-at-home parent and focus on caring for her three children. In addition to staying home with her children, she operated a before and after school care program with summer care programs too. Taryn is an active volunteer at her children’s school as well as with their extra-curricular activities.

Taryn is thrilled to join the Third Academy team and looks forward to learning from and learning with the students and staff at Third Academy.