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Psychoeducational Assessment Consent Form

Your child has been referred to the psychology team for a psychoeducational assessment. Please read the description below.

The process of psychoeducational assessment

A psychoeducational assessment usually includes:
    • Observing your child in the classroom.
    • Reviewing your child’s school file.
    • Performing psychological testing that provides information about your child’s
      • learning profile and strengths and weaknesses
      • academic skills
      • and, emotional/behavioural functioning and make-up.
    • Asking others (parents, teachers, and other school personnel) about your child, either by way of questionnaires or interviews.
    • Interviewing your child.
When the assessment is completed, we will schedule a parent feedback/consultation, along with school personnel, to hear the results and recommendations.

Confidentiality and ownership of information

Psychological assessments are confidential. As a guardian, you have access to your child’s file. Confidentiality may be broken if:
  • We become aware of potential child abuse, which must be reported to child protection authorities;
  • If a child poses imminent risk of grave bodily harm to themselves or others;
  • If a Court orders the release of information; or,
  • If you or another guardian consents to the release of information.
Our team approach includes assessment services provide by trainees under the clinical supervision of Registered Psychologists. Every assessment will be reviewed and co-signed by a clinical supervisor.Psychological assessment results will be stored in accordance with Alberta Education’s Student Record Regulation. The report will be shared by the assessment team with school staff. The assessment report may be reviewed by Alberta Education if your child’s needs permit the school to seek additional funding that the school may use to provide enhanced services for your child (i.e., “coding”)Our files are subject to the Personal Information and Privacy Act of Alberta.

Ethical standards and legal requirements

Our psychology team follows the Canadian Codes of Ethics for Psychologists, the Standards of Practice for Alberta Psychologists, and appropriate practice guidelines. You can find these at https://www.cap.ab.ca/resources-regulatory-information